
All true, John. The irony is that anarchy does not work, either; the folks with the biggest guns inevitably take over. The search is for the least amount of government - with ways to contain it - that can accomplish the objectives of a society. Thank you for your comments. Be well and happy!

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Sorry, but I do not understand. You are saying that the "Evangelical Theocracy" folks have chosen Satan? I see the fight as between authoritarian collectivists, no matter how they are classified or describe themselves, versus those of us that believe in individual inalienable Rights and universal morality. Do you believe in the Rule of Law and individual Rights? If not, we will have to agree to disagree. Thanks!

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You are right. Allen Dulles and associates were the instigators of that program, and initiated the secret operations and foreign meddling that have brought us to the dangerous place where we find ourselves today. Thank you for your comment! Be well and happy,


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I agree, Teresa. The question now is what we can do about it. Dr. Ron Paul says that our hope is in the "remnants", the folks who still believe in liberty that come together. I believe that any change in direction must come from the ground up, local grassroots movements and helping people understand what is happening (as you do). Thank you for your comments! Be well and happy!


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I think the predominate problem in America is Fascism. This is evident through the fasces symbolism displayed behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives. The fasces was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived).



Fascism is when the government controls everything through business (or the reverse). This involves collaboration between government & business in order to enrich each other at the expense of the lives & liberties of the people. Another word for Fascism is "Crony Capitalism". It doesn't matter if it is secular or Christian, liberal or conservative, democrat or republican. Both work together to enrich themselves off the backs of the people & their freedoms. The defense industry in the United States is as an example of crony capitalism in an industry. Connections with the Pentagon and lobbyists in Washington are more important than actual competition due to the political and secretive nature of defense contracts. The Pharmaceutical industry in the United States can also be described as an example of crony capitalism in an industry. Connections between the FDA & CDC, lobbyists in Washington, and industry tycoons is more important than actual competition due to the revolving door. For example, the government's attempt to mandated Covid-19 "vaccine" which is not a "vaccine" but rather a form of "gene therapy". "When the government fears the people, there is liberty when the people fear the government, there is tyranny" Thomas Jefferson.

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Americans neither desire nor deserve security, prosperity, nor liberty. Any who do, are officially domestic terrorists, and therefore do not count.

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Let's look at this from an entirety different perspective - all of the isms in our political world are simply different manifestations of the same evil forces which have troubled us since the dawn of man.

How so? Introducing Gary North - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/03/in-essenceit-always-wasand-still-isa.html?m=0 - lot to read.

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As Hitler said, there was very little difference between national socialism and communist socialism. If I had to pick between the two I'd say we were more Nazi than communist, even though large parts of the Democrat Party are Jews. But there are large #'s of anti-Semites among the blacks and with the increased # of Muslims coming and their Koran-based anti-Semitism systemic to their ideology, the Dems are more fascist than commie and will continue to grow their Nazi power in that party.

Danny Huckabee

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We now live under the rule of the lawless.

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Many in government and politics were Nazis, and in fact helped Hitler to rearm, reindustrialize Germany. They tried to assonate Rosvelt, then tried to get General Butler to lead a coup against his government. None were prosecuted in any of this. War is great business, and the industrialists were and are still Nazi leaning in their ideology. Now this dream is almost a reality as we slide into a dystopian society. A one world government is of no consequence to the sheep, nor is constant surveillance bother them. Just give then their cell phones, bread and circus and do what you will. We humans never learn to learn. Study is too much trouble. it is so much more interesting to see what the Kardashians are saying, doing or what their latest surgeries have made them look like. Most could not tell you who their mayor is much less what any candidate stands for, or more accurately lies about. Democracy I never knew ye!

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Government is and always will be the precise opposite of equal individual property rights. Government is and always will be a gang of parasites running an extortion racket called taxation , a counterfeiting racket called monetary policy, monopoly rackets called licensing, tariffs, and intellectual property law, a slavery racket called conscription, a kidnapping racket called truancy law, and a brainwashing racket called public education.

The intellectual leap from tyranny to civilization is far larger than simply choosing "better" leaders. It requires the complete rejection of the idea of leadership - of all authority. Political authorities are always parasites. True civilization means ridding the world of parasitism. Equality means no one has authority over anyone else.

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