
My understanding: Ivermectin and cosequine can work if taken early, at the first sign of infection. Vitamin D levels should be kept up all the time, but many of us are low and so need to be boost the levels with an infection. But I am neither a doctor or a scientist. I would refer you to some who are:


Look up Dr Pierre Cory on Substack; he has done a lot of research on Ivermectin.

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Yes, we would be way better off if we would stop attacking people personally and instead focus on their thoughts and actions, agree or disagree, but do so respectfully. Otherwise it just drives us further apart. Thanks for the comment!

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Is that plausible? Aren't the one-world collectivist folks against all religions? Don't they usually seek to eliminate religion? North Korea is a good example, where their leader is believed to be God. Or the movement in America to replace religion with "In Gov We Trust."

Be well and happy!

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Susan, I do not claim to be an expert by any means, so I've researched quite a lot; the links in that post represent some of it. I have not read any of the books you refer to, though. I will get one. Thanks you for the comment. Be well and happy.

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Excellent post. Just a few clarifications as it seems you may not have dug down the rabbit hole completely.

What causes you to think that this "virus" was made more contagious? The testing? The new claims of "asymptomatic transmission" b/c of the test results? The tests have been debunked. I will give sources with extensive info at the end.

Yes, the US did fund biowarfare labs - but not playing with "viruses". It is nanotechnology. See Karen Kingston's Substack article from yesterday or therabouts. No virus has proven to exist nor cause dis-ease. Never isolated. No control experiments. They play with dead tissue. The starve the cultures. What they see as viruses are actually exosomes, not pathogenic flying particles.

So no, "it" didn't "escape" from a lab. That is what they want you to believe so they can make use of their stored "patents" on all of these "viruses" (generated in a computer, mind you, called in silico) done YEARS ago.

As for ivermectin - the experience is that it works, however it may be akin to antibiotics - against life - it kills the bacteria/symbionts that are trying to recycle the dead tissue or toxins (like maggots). It seems to "work" by repressing this clean-up activity and pushing the toxins/dead tissue further inwards, possibly setting up for more serious problems later.

6 ft is not a random number. That is the distance where our 3 ft individual biofields intersect and communicate with each other. Biofields are electrical. They invert this space as being a hotbed of pathogenic contagions from ourselves - but no pathogen, again, has ever been proven to exist.

There is no new flu virus. Contagion is electrical signaling to detox. Fear, bad food, air and water, EMF's from increased cell towers and wife and electronic gadgets - remember we are electrical beings. So a non-existent thing called a virus cannot mutate. Check out viroLIEgy.com Read Dr Sam Bailey on Substack. Check out the book Virus Mania. Terrain the film by Marcelina Cravat. The Viral Delusion videos. Jon Rappaport's AIDS, Inc., book.

May peace be with you and have a blessed day!

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